SWE 69
International One Design

SWE 69

Imagine Yellow
Björn Wahlström, Mats Wastegård, Konstantin Technau
2004 at Tjörns Yachtservice Sweden
SWE69 was launched for the first time at spring 2004. The owners at that time was Björn W and Mats who previously sailed SWE33 Huttetu (since 1996). Johan joined IOD sailing 2004, Björn H joined 2011. Konstantin bought 1/3 of the boat in 2012 and joined the team. This crew (or parts of it) has participated at BIIRW in Bermuda 2013/14/15/17/23 and 2024, IOD Worlds in North East Harbor 2010 and 2017, Norway 2005 and 2014, San Francisco 2016 and Marblehead 2019, Fishers Island sep 2022. In 2023 Ole replaced Björn Holtmo on foredeck.


Björn Wahlström


Mats Wastegård

Jib and spinnaker

Johan Wahlström


Ole Wahlström


Konstantin Technau


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